Friday, February 21, 2014

Improve The Health of Your Skin

 Improve The Health of Your Skin
Get a Face massage
It may sound silly, but a facial massage is a great way to keep the skin looking young. Many spas offer this type of massage during facials. It helps stimulate the cells which helps to restore collagen and elasticity to slow down the ageing process.
Drink Less Alcohol
For a beautiful complexion limit your alcohol consumption to less than one drink per day. Alcohol has been known to cause increased oil production and enlarged pores.
Exfoliating on a regular basis is a great way to improve the overall health, look and feel of your skin. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells for  smooth skin. This will make the skin appear brighter as well as providing a smoother surface for makeup application. It also unclogs pores which is vital because clogged pores can lead to acne and blackheads. Exfoliation also allows the skin to better absorb products used on the skin. Never  scrub the skin hard or use harsh exfoliants. If you want to exfoliate well, just exfoliate for longer periods of time. It is not recommended to exfoliate everyday, just 3-4 times per week.  
Wear Sunscreen
Wearing sunscreen is one of the most important things you can do for he health of your skin. Shielding the skin from harmful UV rays protects against dryness, redness, sunspots, wrinkles, and melanoma. Its best to use a daily moisturizer with sunscreen. If your moisturizer doesn't have SPF, mix in a lightweight moisturizer and use it everyday... even in the winter!

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Foods For A Glowing Complexion

One of the healthiest fruits for your skin! When compared with 40 fruits and vegetables by the U.S. Department of Agriculture it was ranked number one in antioxidant activity. Antioxidants protect the skin from premature aging. 

Wild Salmon
This fish has lots of omega-3 fatty acids, which help keeps your skin supple and hydrated. These acids actually slow down the wrinkling process and fight acne. Both wrinkling and acne are caused by inflammation. Eating salmon or fish rich in omega-3s 3 times per week, or taking a daily fish oil supplement can significantly lower inflammation. Salmon also contains a mineral called selenium, which protects the skin from exposure to the harsh rays of the sun.
Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, an anti-aging antioxidant. Tomatoes have also been known to clear up acne, by lowering an acne promoting hormone. Try eating tomatoes or tomato-based foods at least 3 times per week. But remember, lycopene is more easily absorbed when the tomatoes are cooked. 
Green tea
Green tea is also packed with antioxidants that have anti-aging benefits and help fight acne. Drink 3 cups per day to reap all the benefits!
Sweet Potatoes
This vegetable is loaded with the anti-aging antioxidant, beta carotene. Beta carotene can protect the skin from sun damage. 

Information for this post was obtained from:
-Fitness Magazine:
-Best Health Magazine:

Friday, February 7, 2014

Dark Spots: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Dark spots on the skin, also know as hyperpigmentation, un even skin tone, or discoloration is a common skin problem. It affects mainly affects people of color and middle aged individuals. However, anyone can develop dark spots resulting from a variety of causes:

-Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: dark spots that arise from skin trauma such as acne and other skin infections. If you experience dark spots caused by acne there are steps you can take to prevent this.
1. Don't squeeze or pick at acne. This raises the risk of developing dark spots and can even lead to scarring.
2. Don't use cosmetic products that will worsen your acne symptoms.
3. Don't wash your face excessively. Once in the morning and once at night will due.
4. Don't use harsh cleansers and exfoliants. This will only worsen your acne symptoms. Find a mild cleanser for sensitive skin.
5. Wear sunscreen everyday! Exposure to UV light can worsen acne symptoms and dark spots.
-Melasma: This is also known as chloasma or the mask or pregnancy.  Although the cause of melasma is unkown, there are several known factors that contribute to this common pigmentary disorder. Some of these factors include: pregnancy, exposure to UV light, oral contraceptives, and a genetic predisposition.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Causes of Dark Spots and How to Treat Them

What Are Dark Spots?
Dark spots on the skin, also know as hyperpigmentation, un-even skin tone, or discoloration is a common skin problem. It affects mainly affects people of color and middle aged individuals. However, anyone can develop dark spots resulting from a variety of causes.
-post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation: Dark spots that arise from skin trauma such as acne and other skin infections. 
-Melasma: This is also known as chloasma or the mask or pregnancy.  Although the cause of melasma is unkown, there are several known factors that contribute to this common pigmentary disorder. Some of these factors include: pregnancy, exposure to UV light, oral contraceptives, and a genetic predisposition. 

Tips for Preventing Dark Spots
1.   Don’t pick at your acne. Doing so will cause dark spots and even scarring.
2.  Wear Sunscreen every day, even in the winter! Exposure to UV light can lead to dark spots.
3.  Make sure your bra isn’t too tight. This can cause “bra burn”, a type of hyperpigmentation that can lead to dark spots.
4.   When shaving or waxing use products that will diminish dark spots and help prevent new ones.

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