Saturday, February 1, 2014

Causes of Dark Spots and How to Treat Them

What Are Dark Spots?
Dark spots on the skin, also know as hyperpigmentation, un-even skin tone, or discoloration is a common skin problem. It affects mainly affects people of color and middle aged individuals. However, anyone can develop dark spots resulting from a variety of causes.
-post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation: Dark spots that arise from skin trauma such as acne and other skin infections. 
-Melasma: This is also known as chloasma or the mask or pregnancy.  Although the cause of melasma is unkown, there are several known factors that contribute to this common pigmentary disorder. Some of these factors include: pregnancy, exposure to UV light, oral contraceptives, and a genetic predisposition. 

Tips for Preventing Dark Spots
1.   Don’t pick at your acne. Doing so will cause dark spots and even scarring.
2.  Wear Sunscreen every day, even in the winter! Exposure to UV light can lead to dark spots.
3.  Make sure your bra isn’t too tight. This can cause “bra burn”, a type of hyperpigmentation that can lead to dark spots.
4.   When shaving or waxing use products that will diminish dark spots and help prevent new ones.

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