Friday, February 21, 2014

Improve The Health of Your Skin

 Improve The Health of Your Skin
Get a Face massage
It may sound silly, but a facial massage is a great way to keep the skin looking young. Many spas offer this type of massage during facials. It helps stimulate the cells which helps to restore collagen and elasticity to slow down the ageing process.
Drink Less Alcohol
For a beautiful complexion limit your alcohol consumption to less than one drink per day. Alcohol has been known to cause increased oil production and enlarged pores.
Exfoliating on a regular basis is a great way to improve the overall health, look and feel of your skin. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells for  smooth skin. This will make the skin appear brighter as well as providing a smoother surface for makeup application. It also unclogs pores which is vital because clogged pores can lead to acne and blackheads. Exfoliation also allows the skin to better absorb products used on the skin. Never  scrub the skin hard or use harsh exfoliants. If you want to exfoliate well, just exfoliate for longer periods of time. It is not recommended to exfoliate everyday, just 3-4 times per week.  
Wear Sunscreen
Wearing sunscreen is one of the most important things you can do for he health of your skin. Shielding the skin from harmful UV rays protects against dryness, redness, sunspots, wrinkles, and melanoma. Its best to use a daily moisturizer with sunscreen. If your moisturizer doesn't have SPF, mix in a lightweight moisturizer and use it everyday... even in the winter!

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Foods For A Glowing Complexion

One of the healthiest fruits for your skin! When compared with 40 fruits and vegetables by the U.S. Department of Agriculture it was ranked number one in antioxidant activity. Antioxidants protect the skin from premature aging. 

Wild Salmon
This fish has lots of omega-3 fatty acids, which help keeps your skin supple and hydrated. These acids actually slow down the wrinkling process and fight acne. Both wrinkling and acne are caused by inflammation. Eating salmon or fish rich in omega-3s 3 times per week, or taking a daily fish oil supplement can significantly lower inflammation. Salmon also contains a mineral called selenium, which protects the skin from exposure to the harsh rays of the sun.
Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, an anti-aging antioxidant. Tomatoes have also been known to clear up acne, by lowering an acne promoting hormone. Try eating tomatoes or tomato-based foods at least 3 times per week. But remember, lycopene is more easily absorbed when the tomatoes are cooked. 
Green tea
Green tea is also packed with antioxidants that have anti-aging benefits and help fight acne. Drink 3 cups per day to reap all the benefits!
Sweet Potatoes
This vegetable is loaded with the anti-aging antioxidant, beta carotene. Beta carotene can protect the skin from sun damage. 

Information for this post was obtained from:
-Fitness Magazine:
-Best Health Magazine:

Friday, February 7, 2014

Dark Spots: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Dark spots on the skin, also know as hyperpigmentation, un even skin tone, or discoloration is a common skin problem. It affects mainly affects people of color and middle aged individuals. However, anyone can develop dark spots resulting from a variety of causes:

-Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: dark spots that arise from skin trauma such as acne and other skin infections. If you experience dark spots caused by acne there are steps you can take to prevent this.
1. Don't squeeze or pick at acne. This raises the risk of developing dark spots and can even lead to scarring.
2. Don't use cosmetic products that will worsen your acne symptoms.
3. Don't wash your face excessively. Once in the morning and once at night will due.
4. Don't use harsh cleansers and exfoliants. This will only worsen your acne symptoms. Find a mild cleanser for sensitive skin.
5. Wear sunscreen everyday! Exposure to UV light can worsen acne symptoms and dark spots.
-Melasma: This is also known as chloasma or the mask or pregnancy.  Although the cause of melasma is unkown, there are several known factors that contribute to this common pigmentary disorder. Some of these factors include: pregnancy, exposure to UV light, oral contraceptives, and a genetic predisposition.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Causes of Dark Spots and How to Treat Them

What Are Dark Spots?
Dark spots on the skin, also know as hyperpigmentation, un-even skin tone, or discoloration is a common skin problem. It affects mainly affects people of color and middle aged individuals. However, anyone can develop dark spots resulting from a variety of causes.
-post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation: Dark spots that arise from skin trauma such as acne and other skin infections. 
-Melasma: This is also known as chloasma or the mask or pregnancy.  Although the cause of melasma is unkown, there are several known factors that contribute to this common pigmentary disorder. Some of these factors include: pregnancy, exposure to UV light, oral contraceptives, and a genetic predisposition. 

Tips for Preventing Dark Spots
1.   Don’t pick at your acne. Doing so will cause dark spots and even scarring.
2.  Wear Sunscreen every day, even in the winter! Exposure to UV light can lead to dark spots.
3.  Make sure your bra isn’t too tight. This can cause “bra burn”, a type of hyperpigmentation that can lead to dark spots.
4.   When shaving or waxing use products that will diminish dark spots and help prevent new ones.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

PFB VANISH is a unique, cosmetically elegant roll-on gel formulated to aid in the relief of ingrown hairs and razor burn/bumps resulting from shaving, waxing, electrolysis and laser hair removal. It's 100% GUARANTEED! If you are not satisfied with PFB VANISH for any reason return it for a Full Refund.
PFB VANISH is grea
t for both Women and Men and can be used on any part of the face and body. PFB VANISH gently exfoliates to “lift ingrown hairs” formulated with salicylic acid, willow bark and glycolic acid.
Comes in a “no-mess” roll-on for ease of application. Most people see results within 48 hours. Sold in prestigious salons and doctor’s offices throughout the United States.


Get a Brazilian today, and get intimate tonight!™

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Friday, January 24, 2014


What is  Pseudofolliculitis Barbae? (PFB)

Well, lets break it down. Pseudo means related to, Folliculitis means follicle, and barbae means beard. So... it's related to the follicle in the beard. Pseudo Folliculitis Barbae is the medical term for a condition in which chronic razor bumps and ingrown hairs occur, also known as barber itch.

Although PFB is common on the male face, it can also occur on any other part of the body that is shaved, plucked or waxed. It happens most often in sensitive areas where the hair is thick and curly, such as the genital area and arm pits.

Why Does it Happen?

After a hair has been removed it will grow back. Upon re-growth, curly hair has a tendency to curl under the skin causing ingrown hair. The inflammation that occurs as a result of this is known as PFB. Skin afflicted by PFB is usually red and sometimes can look like an acne outbreak.

Prevention and Treatment

Of course the best way to prevent PFB is not to shave or wax. However, for many people this is not possible. Men are urged to wait until their beard has grown to 1 mm before shaving to prevent the hair from curling under the skin. If the skin becomes very irritated, refraining from shaving until the inflammation clears up is also recommended.

Multiple blade razors should never be used. If the shave is too close, PFB is more likely to occur. Instead a single blade razor or an electric razor should be used. Shaving in the direction of the hair growth rather than against it can also help prevent PFB.

To treat PFB on the face as well as other areas on the skin, a product containing glycolic acid and salicylic acid has been proven effective.

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PFB Vanish

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to Fight Dry Skin

How To Fight Dry Skin

Stay Hydrated
The skin is an organ, and all organs in the body need water. If you do not take in enough water, your organs will not function properly. When skin lacks adequate hydration, it becomes dry and flakey. This can lead to wrinkles. The recommended 8 glasses of water per day may not be enough. Drinking 8 glasses will keep your body healthy, but since the water you drink will reach all other organs first, you may need to drink more water to see a change in the health of your skin.

Drinking that much water in one day can be difficult. Luckily there are other ways to keep skin hydrated and moisturized. Fruits and vegetables are made up of a water, some of them 75% water. Eating plenty of fruits and veggies not only keeps your skin hydrated, but also offers many other skin beautifying benefits.
Another way to keep skin hydrated is to apply moisturizer immediately after a shower. The warm water from the shower opens up the skin's pores. While the pores are open, the skin is more receptive to moisturizing products.

Cut Out The Hot Baths and Showers
Although a hot shower or a soak in the tub feels great, it will dry out your skin. Hot water opens the pours and allows moisture to escape. Try showering with luke-warm water. If this seems unimaginable, make sure you use soaps free of harsh detergents and use body lotion immediately after. Try to keep your relaxing soaks in the bath down to 10 minutes once a week!

Exfoliate Less
While exfoliating is great for removing dead skin cells and dirt on the surface of the skin, it should only be done 3 times per week. If dry skin is a problem, exfoliating can only make it worse because it will further irritate dry, flakey or red skin. Its best to use a gentle cleanser and exfoliate GENTLY 3 times per week or less if skin is very dry.

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 Information used to create this post referenced from

Friday, January 17, 2014

How to Treat Ingrown Hairs

How to Treat Ingrown Hairs

1. Prevention

The first step to treating ingrown hairs is to prevent them. There are many ways to do this. First, make sure that you are shaving or waxing properly. When shaving, make sure the skin is lubricated and only use a single blade razor to avoid the hair being cut under the surface of the skin. When waxing at home, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Remember to smoothe the wax on in the direction of the hair growth and then pull it off in the opposite direction.
There is also a daily routine one should follow to prevent ingrown hairs. Sometimes ingrown hairs form because they are trapped under dead skin or dirt. It is important to exfoliate daily. The best way to do this is to use an exfoliating glove. Remember to exfoliate gently in a circular motion. There are also many products on the market, such as PFB Vanish, that aid in the prevention and relief of ingrown hair.

2.Getting them out

Trying to get out an ingrown hair can be a tricky. Many people pick and squeeze to get out ingrowns. This only damages the skin causing scabs and dark spots. Another huge mistake people make is to try to get out a hair that is not ready to come out, because it trapped too far below the surface of the skin. In this case the best thing to do is wait! With daily exfoliation and use of products, the hair will eventually work itself to the top.

To release an ingrown hair from the skin, follow these steps:

1. Exfoliate the area

2.  Apply a warm compress for at least 10 minutes. If the hair has not risen to the surface, it may not be ready to come out!

3. Use a sterile needle or good quality tweezers to GENTLY pull the hair out of the skin. If it doesn’t surface after a few tries you can give it one GENTLE squeeze. If nothing happens then STOP! Continuing to try getting out am ingrown hair that is not ready will cause bleeding, scabs, dark spots or scars. If you have dark spots, try PFB Vanish with Chromabright to aid in the relief of ingrown hairs and diminish dark spots.

However, the safest route is to leave your ingrown hairs alone! It is always best to take preventative measures against ingrown hairs, but let your esthetician try to remove them.

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Shaving Tips For Men

Shaving Tips For Men

1. Make Sure Your Facial Hair is Wet

This is the most important step. The best way to ensure that your beard is sufficiently wet is to take a shower right before shaving. If you don't have time for a shower, then wash your face or hold a towel soaked with warm water against your face for at least 3 minutes. Shaving with a dry face will cause razor burn and rash. When hair is wet is becomes easier to cut.

2. Use Shaving cream

Use a moisturizing shaving cream. Don't use one of the cheaper shaving creams as this will irritate the skin. Remember, the skin on your face is sensitive! Shaving creams will lubricate the face for a better shave. They also lock in moisture for great skin and reduce cuts and razor rash.

3. Shave Properly
First shave in the direction of the beard growth. Then if you want a closer shave, you can shave against the growth of the hair. Always rinse the blade with hot water after each pass to clean the blade of all hair. Then shake the razor to remove any excess water on the blade. Use a sharp razor and change the blade often. (about once a week). Leave the razor in a glass of alcohol when not in use to disinfect the razor and prevent the growth of bacteria.

For more on tips on shaving your beard, watch this funny yet informational video by Esquire.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Waxing: A Beginners Guide

Waxing: A Beginners Guide

Waxing has become a popular service at many salons and spas. Some even like to wax at home. It has become a welcomed alternative to shaving, since it lasts much longer and offers a silky smooth look. If you are still undecided as to whether waxing is for you, read this article from Woman’s Day magazine for some expert advice!

Should You wax?
Waxing is a great alternative to shaving if you have hair you’re uncomfortable with, says Cornelia Zicu, chief creative officer at the Elizabeth Arden: Red Door Spas. "Waxing is recommended for people of all ages and both genders." Though she recommends that people start getting wax treatments at a young age, when the hair is fine and will be less painful to remove, anyone can get it done, regardless of age.

Waxing vs. Shaving
"Waxing is better because it removes [hair] from the root," says Janea Padilha, cofounder of the J. Sisters Salon in New York City and author of Brazilian Sexy. She adds that when you shave “you just cut the hair, so two hours later, you can see the hair there or the blue shadow (the hair follicle below the skin)." Waxing, on the other hand, not only can last up to a month, but it’s also much more permanent—over time it thins the hair so less grows back. Bonus: It exfoliates the skin as well, leaving you feeling silky smooth.

Preparing for a Wax
If you're worried about pain, take one or two Advil an hour before your appointment. "We also recommend an exfoliating scrub the day before and advise not to apply body lotion the day of the wax," Zicu says. Also, for underarm waxing, she recommends you use deodorant without antiperspirant because it comes off easier.

A tip from PFB Vanish: Use PFB Numb It to make your waxing experience more comfortable.

How Often to Wax
If you’ve shaven recently, wait five days. And though the time does vary between waxes, depending on how quickly or coarsely the hair grows back, Padilha says it’s best to wait around a month. "People should wait three to four weeks between waxing," she says. "But in an emergency, if they have a new boyfriend or are about to go on vacation, they can come back in three weeks with no problem."

What to Expect
First your waxer will clean and disinfect the area. After that, she’ll apply the wax and remove small areas of hair at a time. "There are two different types of wax," Zicu says. "Soft wax is done with paper or muslin strips, and hard wax is removed without strips." In general, hard wax is used to remove hair in the bikini, underarm and face area; soft wax is used on larger areas of the body such as the leg or armpit. Afterwards, she’ll remove any wax residue and apply cream.

The Pain Factor
Waxing is uncomfortable because the hair is being pulled all the way out. "If the roots are not pulled out, the discomfort is minimal but the results are also minimal," Zicu says. She adds that “discomfort is only [felt] at the time of service and stops immediately after." To be sure it's done right, you may want to check the strips to ensure the roots were also removed (you should see a small dark bulb on the hair follicle).

Post-Wax Treatment
Although the pain does subside as soon as the wax is over, the area can remain sensitive, which is why Zicu says not to use any scrubs for the next 48 hours and not to expose the area to direct sun for at least 24 hours.

After the tenderness has subsided, Padilha says to exfoliate in the shower to remove dead skin so the pores don't become clogged, causing ingrown hairs and bumps. If bumps do appear, “don't squeeze or tweeze!" she urges.

A tip from PFB Vanish: Try PFB Vanish to lift out ingrown hairs and soothe razor bumps. Also try PFB Vanish with Chromabright to make dark spots caused by ingrown hairs disappear! 

Waxing Hygiene
First and foremost, make sure you go to a place with proper sterilization procedures. Zicu insists, “The technician should be licensed and she should not double-dip during the waxing session." (Double dipping means that the technician used the same stick each time she dipped into the vat of hot wax. This practice contaminates the wax and allows bacteria to spread from one client to another. Plus, you wouldn’t want the wax used on your upper lip to have been mixed with a stick used on another woman’s bikini area.)

The Bikini Wax
There are special concerns when waxing the bikini area, but they’re very similar to those for the rest of the body, according to Padilha. She popularized the Brazilian-style bikini wax at her spa in 1994, "before anybody knew what it was," she says. "But now that people do know, the bikini area is the most common part of the body I wax."

Bikini vs. Brazilian
A Brazilian wax removes more hair than a bikini wax. Whereas a bikini focuses on the front and sides (what would be visible in a swimsuit), the Brazilian removes the front, sides, back and everything in between, often only leaving a strip of hair in the front—or none at all. Most of the time, you can leave your underwear on during a standard bikini wax, but for a Brazilian, you’ll have to be sans panties.

Why Brazilian?
Some reasons for having a Brazilian wax include cleanliness, convenience and, of course, sexiness. "I always say men are my biggest clients," Padilha notes. But it's not just about sex. "When you sit at the beach or pool in your bathing suit, you feel so good, so comfortable because you don't have to worry about it [hair peeking out].”

Does It Hurt More?
"Some women can't do the bikini, but they are OK with the eyebrow. Others can do the bikini, but they can't stand to wax their legs," Padilha says. "Everyone is different. But it does hurt less the longer you do it. Eventually the hair becomes weak, so it doesn't hurt at all."

Does It Matter What Time of the Month It Is?
According to Padilha, waxing hurts more the week before your period, so it's best to go in the week after. And if you're pregnant? "Just like always, some days we are a little more sensitive than others," she says. "So if you're pregnant, it's fine. It doesn't hurt more." Otherwise, she says, it's just about being comfortable. "The first time clients are scared. Not because of the pain, but because they’re embarrassed. But after they've gotten one, forget about it!"

The information used to create this blog post was obtained from Woman’s Day magazine:

Waxing can hurt, but it doesn't have to. PFB Vanish Numb IT, takes away the pain associated with waxing! For those unsightly razor bumps and ingrown hairs, don't forget to give PFB Vanish a try!

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shaving and Waxing Tips from PFB Vanish Owner and Product Developer, Ottmar Stubler

When waxing at home you first need to determine if you have sensitive skin.  If so, you should choose a cold wax kit.  If you are not, you can use hot wax or cold wax.

 -The best strategy for getting “pro-quality” waxing at home is to remember three very important steps:


1.    Trim hair to ¼ inch.  This is the ideal length for waxing

2.    Apply the wax in the direction of hair growth

3.    Pull the strip in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Step-by-Step Waxing Instructions

1.   Hold the spatula at a 45 degree angle, apply a thin film of wax on the area.  Apply in the direction of hair growth.

2.   Stretch the cloth or paper strip directly over the wax.  Allow enough free edge of the fabric for your hand to grasp for removal.

3.   Smooth the fabric strip in the same direction as you applied the wax to assure bonding of the hair and wax to the strip and wait a few seconds.

4.   Grasp the free edge of the strip tightly with one hand while holding the other hand against the skin to hold the skin taut.

5.   Quickly pull the strip in the OPPOSITE direction of the hair growth.  This also removes dead skin cells along with hairs.

*Always follow manufacturer instructions.


Mistakes When Waxing At Home:

-Burning the skin

-Wax in eyes

-Wax on clothes


Mistakes When Shaving

-Not using the right kind of razor (one blade vs. 3 blades).

-Skin is not sufficiently lubricated and wet.

-The biggest mistake; the blade is too dull and leaving the blade in the shower when not in use. It's better to soak the blade in alcohol to disinfect.


A lot of women complain about razor bumps in the bikini area.  This area is more prone to irritation because of the sensitive skin and also due to a large amount of bacteria present. Razor burn and bumps can be minimized with a soothing gel such as PFB Vanish.

Numb IT takes the “sting” out of hair removal.  Numb IT is a topical anesthetic when applied 20 minutes prior to waxing deadens the nerve endings and makes the whole waxing experience much more comfortable.

Comment on our blog with any skincare question or questions about our products and company! Then look for our weekly FAQ (frequently asked questions) for answers to your questions.

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